Living Hope

Keeping hope alive during these days definitely feels like an uphill struggle and decision of the will. It’s not easy and definitely feels like a struggle, fight, discipline. Some days to be frank, it takes all of me to muster up strength to keep at it. To be faithful, to endure. To keep showing up. 

My work situation is incredibly challenging on top of it already being complicated prior to this global pandemic. It’s literally day by day, hour by hour, touch and go type of situation. I’m definitely getting a run for my money!  My days start early and I woke up several days last week feeling drained before the day even started. I literally felt weak in my bones. My strength felt depleted. Fatigue and exhaustion set in. A hot shower and cup of tea revitalized me but it was short-lived. 

I read my scriptures and listened to my audio bible. I began to feel more clarity and resolve in my heart to keep holding on. But I did not begin to feel fully strengthened until I put my faith and confession into action - I opened my mouth. I opened my mouth and released to God what I was feeling. I then confessed who he is, his power, his greatness, and who I am in him. And as I put my faith with my active confession, I literally felt a surge of strength return to my bones. It felt like a computer battery meter. The power started at my feet and the more I opened my mouth to pray and praise, the strength started moving up through my body, filling in all the spaces and in his grace, I felt completely recharged.

Jesus never said life would be easy. But he promises to give me his presence and help when I call out to him. My job is to show up every day and meet with him. He is my living hope. In Jesus I have new life - every day. He's producing something deep within me, something eternal, something heavenly. I won't give up, I'll grow up. 

Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. According to His great mercy, He has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that is imperishable, uncorrupted, and unfading, kept in heaven for you. I Peter 1:3-4


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