
I wait for the Lord; I wait
and put my hope in his word. Psalm 130:5

How beautiful is God's word. It's encouraging, applicable, and timely. We are definitely experiencing crazy times. Things are uncertain, out of order, straining and limiting. But yet we can still have hope for our God is certain. He has everything in order and in control. He is not stressed. He is all powerful - unlimited and limitless. And so we press on and we hope in things that do not change and cannot change, his word. 

God's word is eternal. It's true and forever. It transcends and triumphs over every and any thing that can come our way. So we wait. And as we wait, we will actively turn our attention, gaze and heart towards him. We will place our hope in his word. Yes, this takes great diligence, determination and discipline. Yes, it requires our active participation but as we engage with scripture, we will soon find joy and peace on the other side. It's the only way to truly live. As we take steps of faith like the psalmist encourages, our redemption draws near because we've chosen to magnify God and not our problems. Our Redeemer lives. The rescue is on the way because the Rescuer has always been with us. Victory is already ours, because the Victor conquered the grave. So we can wait. Even in the unknown, silence, chaos and crazy. Yes, I can wait for the Lord. I can patiently, peacefully, gracefully wait for the Lord. And as I wait, I will mediate on his word and put my hope in his promises. 

Today, may we all find strength and courage to take one more step towards faith, in faith. Simply declare what is already written in his word. It is trustworthy.  


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